By using a program such as Master Credit Card Generator, hackers could create fictitious credit card numbers to help them set up Internet accounts through online services. Once the online service verified that the credit card number wasn't valid, they would shut down the hacker's account, but with the aid of a few dozen more credit card numbers, hackers could simply create new accounts over and over again.
Hw to create that master credit card generator...??
You have to read about the algorithm on the net its available free of cost.......
But the credit card number is the first thing you also need to know the expiry of the card as well....this program will only create the number....what about expiry???????
That u hv to fig out urself....
The software is also available on net....but to find it using google is a bit difficult task....therefore in next lesson we'll be teaching another way to search for the programs!!!!!!
how to do that man
Dude i'v told this earlier also, if u want to become a hacker then u have to explore the possibilities on your own....i'v given u the name...u find the rest....
Mr $ .. thanx a ton.. well i am using torrent files instead of google.. i think thats muchh better ..
but thrz lil problem , i downloaded spyware doctor using azureus n my PC got infectd wid trojan n viruses .. so its my opnion dat download wid care ..
Tnx for your contribution LK....well let me add to this....whoever are using internet connection at home...plzzz install a gud antivirus (I suggest AVG) and always keep it running in background.
many time it asks CVV 3 digit number for authentication.what to do in that case???
nothing....this program can only create credit card numbers nothing else.....and it was used in early ages now the methods have changed....u have to search for a way on ur own......
thanks for the lesson on torrentz.
i hv been using it widout knowin
how it works for a year atleast.
i hv found the torrent for MASTER CREDIT CARD GENERATOR but there no seeders.plz give me some hint to better my search.
try searching all the torrents isohunt, demonoid, torrentspy, ....there are many...u may get seeders in any of em.....
man we can download even if there
no seeders,only some leechers r enough!!!
Ya u can!!!!!! but in that case the downloading speed will be slow...
hi can anybody post me the master car generator soft
Give ur email id.........
hi can anybody post me the master car generator soft OR OTHER LINK
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