A Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. Here are some of the features in this version-

Superior scanning speed

Support for unlimited IP ranges

Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods

TCP SYN scanning

UDP scanning (two methods)

IP address import supporting ranges and CIDR formats

Simple HTML report generation

Source port scanning

Fast hostname resolving

Extensive banner grabbing

Massive built-in port list description database

IP and port scan order randomization

A selection of useful tools (ping, traceroute, Whois etc)

Extensive Windows host enumeration capability


Sujit Jain said...

I have the software, but dont know how to work with it..can u plz teach us how to work wit it..thnx..

$ said...

Dear Sujit,

What do u know about the network architecture i mean TCP/IP, UDP, etc??
Installing software isnt enough....u need to study about the network layers before exploring the softwares capabilities.........

Raja said...

will u pls pls send me the software or the download site to

I will be very gladful to u.

$ said...