Be aware that there are restrictions here for asking and posting about the following topics:
1) Hacking yahoo, hotmail, orkut, gmail, MSN, etc.
2) Links to porn or viruses.
3) Hacking Credit card/bank account/paypal, etc.
dude are ya crazy , u are making those softwarz public tomorow the company u are hacking will find the broken chain in security and fix it , i know much better then ya about hacking stuff and i guranttee ya , but i never share dude ..... software are not the way to do it , mind and programing languages are the way to do it....
Thanks for your concern...but software that i made available is already public and available on net ....also, one more thing that knowledge is increased from sharing.
And last but not least.......
Not every Hacker is a Programmer.
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